Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Hogmanay Greetings

Several of Isabel's birthday greetings from Scottish kith and kin reminded her that today is Hogmanay -- the Scottish festival day to usher out the old year and welcome in the new. The turning of the old used-up year into a fresh new one is all about the hope of new beginnings. Part of the Dec 31 tradition is cleaning one's house including the ashes from the fire, and paying off one's debts to neighbours and friends.

Mum reminded us of her father Charlie's Hogmanay traditions of "first footing" very early on January 1. "First-footing" refers to who is the first person to cross the threshold on New Year's Day. The tradition is that a first-footer should be a dark-haired person from outside the household who brings a "handsel" -- a token of good fortune to the house. He or She is welcomed and provided hospitality. Charlie's handsel was always to carry a lump of new coal in his pocket for the freshly cleaned hearth of a neighbour or friend.

The Hogmanay tradition of taking coal to a neighbour is not to be confused with receiving a lump of coal in one's Christmas stocking!

Wishing all family, friends, and neighbours the warmest of greetings as you cross the threshold into a new year! May it be a joy-filled one!

With best wishes for a happy new year from
Isabel and the Gang

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas!

On Christmas Eve.....

Isabel received this greeting from a friend, flagged it as one to pass on to others...and here it is for you......

As we enter the 12 Days of Christmas, may you and your family embrace a true understanding of the joy of Christmas. May we cherish our families and friends, be grateful for the wonderful life that we tend to take for granted, and generously share with those less fortunate than ourselves.

Christmas is a journey of the heart. May it bring peace and joy to all.

Merry Christmas!

Love Isabel

Saturday, December 6, 2008

"So How is Isabel's Health, Anyway?"

Several of you have recently inquired about Isabel’s therapy and health.

Isabel continues to have physiotherapy and occupational therapy several times a week to maintain the strength and flexibility that she gained over the summer. Particular attention is currently being given to her contractured feet with serial casting over a six-week period. By weekly changes of foot casts, the therapists hope to shift Isabel’s feet into more appropriate positions. Massage and flexibility & strength exercises are slowly increasing her wrist and arm mobility. It is a long slow process with very gradual improvement. What is key is that Isabel has not lost what she gained in active rehab this summer.

Isabel’s throat continues to be paralyzed so she communicates at a fast pace with her letterboard and the thin end of a wooden spoon. A food peg continues to provide nutrition through her abdomen.


And for that we all give thanks!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Isabel's Christmas Card to Family and Friends

My Christmas Blessing to ALL of you…..from one of the greatest stories every told….

May the joy of the angels sing in our voices;
May the hope of the shepherds enliven our minds;
May the strong faith of Mary and Joseph strengthen our spirits;
And may the love of the Christ Child shine in our hearts.
God’s blessing be upon us all,
This holy season and forever.

With love, Isabel