Thursday, December 29, 2011

Happy Birthday, Isabel!

It's been a good week! An outing for Family Christmas and a drive home under the stars (the first in 4.5 years).

And then a Birthday Celebration with many family and friends and other BICC residents in the relaxed Blue(bird) Wing of the BICC. Angel cake, ice cream and raspberries and strawberries. Lots of time for Mum & Rufus lll to wheel around and visit with everyone ~ aged 8 to 95.

Gratitude again at this year's end!

Thank you All!

Happy New Year!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Christmas Best Wishes

On the occasion of the 200th Post on Isabel's Blog:
Wishing All ~ the Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love of the Advent Season
and a Merry Christmas to All!
Love Isabel

Photo is of the Nativity Scene in the BICC courtyard
(Click on any of the images to make them larger)

Monday, December 12, 2011

The Calling Lakes Choir

Add the Calling Lakes Choir to your bucket list!

"Isabel and Friends" attended the 11th annual Calling Lakes Choir SONG OF JOY in Fort Qu'Appelle Sunday afternoon. Thanks Nephew Richard for saving a row of seats for Aunt Isabel and her gang before you and Ann joined the singers.

Wendy Barker describes the performance in this article:

Mum was a regular at the Sunday afternoon performance prior to her move to Regina. It's great to be back again!

Love that Hallelujah Chorus and Stille Nacht in German.....

A talented group of 60 performers does it again!

Thank you, All!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Parties x 3

Isabel is grateful for the Christmas greetings she is receiving through phone calls, cards, letters and visits. Thank you!
Several of you have asked whether there are special activities happening at the BICC this month.

Last week, Mum enjoyed parties three days in a row.

Wednesday - the December Birthday Party with musical entertainment from Melville and recognition of all residents celebrating a birthday this month.

Thursday - the annual BICC Christmas Tea where each of the 40 plus residents may bring 6 guests. Thanks to Aber friends Annis C, Mina S, Joy M, Norma G and Peggy M who joined Isabel and Catherine for the afternoon of good food, visiting and carol singing led by a Regina twosome (The Litzenbergers) on keyboard and guitar. Isabel's table was kitty-corner from sister-in-law Gertie and friend Kay Sherrick so there was lots of to-ing and fro-ing with their guests. Today's photo shows Isabel's table. Click on it to make it larger.

Friday - a quiet tea in the Blue(bird) Wing with flowers and home-baked goodies & coffee and conversation to celebrate the December Birthday Gals (Kay Walters, Peggy McMorris and Isabel). Cheers to the BICC Kitchen Staff who produces coffee and snacks at a moment's notice anywhere in the complex!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Toe-Tapping Times

The last four+ years have brought so many changes in Isabel's life.

Activities she will never do and people she will never see again.

New activities and new people that have brought support and friendship in ways we could have never imagined.

But sometimes traditions and seeing familiar faces do happen again ~ old Christmas traditions with new twists.

During the long winters at Wascana, entertainer Len Gadica wrote Isabel along with sending his new CD, "I'm Here For You". Mum was so pleased to have his dance music accompany her while doing her exercises in her power-chair on Unit 2-6.

Much to Isabel's delight she was able to go to the Abernethy Seniors' Christmas Party & Dance last Saturday where once again she listened to Len's lively music with many of her Aber friends. Mum & Nancy chatted with Len in the sunny mild winter air before they headed back to the BICC, and he headed off to play another gig.

Mum arrived back at the BICC in time to hear Saskatchewan Express ~ "the Young Version". Fifteen young people brought their music, dance, and drama to the BICC for an afternoon of entertainment.

Gratitude for the gift of music amid Advent Hope, Peace, Joy and Love on this Bethlehem journey.