Monday, September 26, 2011

Paying One's Dues

Last Wednesday, Isabel had opportunity to once again attend the monthly Aber Seniors' Meeting on Main Street, Abernethy. We kidded her that she could just walk though the door as she had kept up her annual membership since moving to Regina 4 years ago.

So she did just that. Isabel walked up the steps and through the door to take her place at the table to vote on motions, share in conversation with old friends, and celebrate former neighbour Harry's 95th birthday with live music. Thanks Larry & Marj. Your musical presence has graced Wascana for nearly four years (and continues to do so). AND it is wonderful for Mum to hear you back in Abernethy as well. And at the BICC the day before that!

This opportunity for Isabel to re-engage with some former Abernethy community activities while living at the BICC was beyond our imagination a year ago!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Hanging Out in the Field

Oh, bliss!

Chaff in the hair.....sun and dust in the eyes....the smell of ripened grain everywhere.

Isabel had opportunity to be in the field chatting with the family operators, inspecting unshelled heads, and watching the grain augured into the bin.

There's her wave from the passenger seat.

Home again!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Bottling Summer

It is nearly 3 months since Isabel moved to the BICC. The time has flown; most nursing and therapy plans are in place; Isabel's Visitors' Book contains the names of new and old friends; and Isabel has frequently "signed out".

"Signed out" means "outings" away from her new home, and these outings have averaged 3 per week this last month ~ the valley, farms & a ranch, a coffee party in Abernethy, drives to see crops and combining. The summer has been long and hot and the opportunities to be out and about have been many.

One day in late August, Isabel and several friends who live at the BICC had two tea times discussing "preserving the garden". Varieties of pickles and preserves; canning pork and chicken; boiling sealers of peaches and plums; freezing rhubarb and blanching peas. The easiest and best methods of each were discussed at length including how technique changed over the decades.

These conversations included the many ways we bottle summer colours and flavours for the long winter months ahead.

Drives in the country on a summer day with a light sweater thrown around the shoulders are like "bottling summer" for the long winter days ahead.

But first, harvest and autumn and more sunny days to come. Bring on the sign-out sheet!