Saturday, June 30, 2012

Feathered Friends

Isabel's last five years have shown that patience is needed in many aspects of daily living: dedicated therapy to improve the movement of a muscle just one cm; waiting for nurses to come after ringing a call bell; speaking slowly so friends can understand her.

Patience has been rewarded in many ways ~ and most recently at her bird feeders.

After 7 months with a visit from only one sparrow, Mum has a lively groups of goldfinches who have found her feeders on the north unsheltered side of the BICC. Mum has had bird-feeders for years at the farm and in Abernethy but her busy life meant she had little time to sit and watch them. The long daylight hours of summer while living at the BICC means there is lots of time to watch her feathered friends.

As Mum says: "I can't believe how much enjoyment I am receiving."