At this time of year when we may be a little more attuned to noticing the angels in our lives, we give thanks for particular ones who have recently come into Isabel's life. The door of Room 2-649 is open wide and we continue to be in awe of who and what walks through.....
To name just a few:
* the SK Govt employees who donated 25 refurbished laptops to Wascana residents.
* Isabel's Occupational Therapist and the Volunteer Coordinator who identifed Mum as a candidate to receive one.
* the young enthusiastic "techie" who every Tuesday comes from his dayjob with a SK Govt Dept to be Isabel's volunteer computer tutor. He regales her with tales of his other volunteer work at Wascana including his internet crash course in cribbage so he could play with Wascana residents.
* the daughter of Isabel's new kitty-korner neighbour on 2-6 who stops in several times a day to support Mum's burgeoning computer skills. Her gift of loud Christmas bells to Isabel means that Mum can ring for her service!
* the kind friend who brought a large plate of Christmas goodies for Isabel to share with visitors.
* our family friend who brought his guitar and family members to lead Christmas Carols among the residents on 2-6 one cold snowy night last week.
* the 2-6 Unit Clerk who comes with Isabel's Christmas mail each day and plops down on her bed to help Isabel open the varied letters and cards sent by other angels ~ all of you!
* the nurses who day in-day out 24/7 provide caring support to the 34 residents of Mum's unit.
* the staff (including respiratory therapists and managers) who think "outside of the box" and see Isabel's determination and potential to go further than any of us dreamed possible two years ago.
It has been a busy month at Wascana thus far with lots of therapy and entertainment including a Christmas Show by Elvis impersonator, Rory Allan.
Mum continues to spend a few hours off the ventilator most week days while training a "new horse". Stay tuned for an update about her new powerchair "Rufus 111".
May you, too, know angels in your life during this Advent/Christmas time when Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love touch us in special ways.