Quality of life is not all about achievement or success, but Isabel's significant achievements of this past month have been a heartening experience for Mum and her family.
The achievements have included:
* Participation in the "Relay for Life"; and her grand-niece's wedding reception in Moose Jaw (see previous blog postings below)
* Learning to transfer from "Rufus", her wheelchair to the passenger seat of a car (Mum can stand up, step over, sit, and swing those long legs in to the car) YES! Our first outing was to see an old friend of Shorthorn Cattle business days who lives a few blocks away. The next day we drove around the Legislature Buildings and down side streets to view lovely gardens.
* Acquiring a new walker that draws more on her strength and stamina to propel herself forward. Mum can walk up a ramp and down the hall travelling many more feet than she has in the past. What a feat!
Gratitude ~ every day! We are thankful.
And now for July 1 ~Happy Canada Day everyone!