It's been another good summer.
The terrace garden has flourished with rain and the daily care of Mum's friends Beth & Carl. Beth is Mum's neighbour directly across the hall. Beth is a longtime gardener and now faithfully supervises Carl's weeding and watering. The terrace is a wonderful place for Isabel and other residents to sit and visit with families and friends, and survey the area around Wascana Rehab Centre from a second floor vantage point.
The Children's Playground at Wascana has been redesigned. New playground equipment has been added. It's a great place to watch the younger grandkids while visiting and catching the sun.
"Old regulars" and "surprise" visitors have graced the halls of Wascana. Thank you All.
Therapy has been very regular despite the holiday schedules of therapists. Mum is walking every day (a greater distance each week). She cycles 3-4 kms twice a week (the cycle rolls up to Rufus lll and away they go). In addition, Isabel has 1-2 other exercise programs each day. Once an athlete ~ always an athlete.
In mid-August, Mum, Nancy and Janet enjoyed an evening of the singing and instrumental accompaniement of "Celtic Woman" ~ a performance by an Irish group at the Connexus Centre of the Arts. The Uileann Bagpipes were of particular interest to Isabel.
The rain continues on the green prairies as temperatures dip and Autumn draws closer. We hope for warmer breezy days to dry out fields and crops.
Thank you all for care and connection that comes in such various ways.