This year, the 104th year of The Fair never being rained out, saw Isabel back at the big community event.
Mum said she would come to The Fair for two hours. With her hand stamped and entry fee paid, Mum headed in through the gates. Nearly seven hours later, back at the BICC, she rolled passed the nurses' desk to her room and said: "I hope I am not going to be kicked out for being so late!"
Isabel sat in the car watching the horse show and talking to people non-stop all afternoon.
One small boy remarked: "Isabel is just like a star. There are really long line-ups to see her!"
A Wascana employee who rides at the Aber Fair each year rode up beside Isabel so she and her horse could have a chat.
Gratitude for 104 years of volunteers who make this special day happen, and for old friends and community folks who lined up to express their special version of WELCOME HOME, ISABEL!