Friday, November 25, 2011

Afternoon Tea

A lovely November Day; a friend's new suite in Abernethy ready for viewing; friends meeting for tea and conversation. China tea cups well over 80 years old. Four old friends sharing 8 or 9 decades (each!) of wisdom and laugher. A new quilt in the making admired. Isabel walking comfortably from the car and up the steps across the threshold to sit in a regular chair.

Isabel is on the go again and walked 966 steps on November 24 on her morning tour of the BICC.

Days shortening; Advent coming. Gratitude for health and community and each day.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A Bend in the Road

Thanks all of you for your support over the last month during Isabel's two recent episodes in hospital. We are hopeful that Mum's gastro-intestinal issues have been sorted out. She appears to be on the road to regain her strength again. Mum's spirit is determined and feisty and that always carries her a long way.

We are grateful for your care that has come in many ways through cards, WELL WISHES, emails, visits, and phone calls.

Thank you all!