Isabel is grateful for the Christmas greetings she is receiving through phone calls, cards, letters and visits. Thank you!Several of you have asked whether there are special activities happening at the BICC this month.
Last week, Mum enjoyed parties three days in a row.
Wednesday - the December Birthday Party with musical entertainment from Melville and recognition of all residents celebrating a birthday this month.
Thursday - the annual BICC Christmas Tea where each of the 40 plus residents may bring 6 guests. Thanks to Aber friends Annis C, Mina S, Joy M, Norma G and Peggy M who joined Isabel and Catherine for the afternoon of good food, visiting and carol singing led by a Regina twosome (The Litzenbergers) on keyboard and guitar. Isabel's table was kitty-corner from sister-in-law Gertie and friend Kay Sherrick so there was lots of to-ing and fro-ing with their guests. Today's photo shows Isabel's table. Click on it to make it larger.
Friday - a quiet tea in the Blue(bird) Wing with flowers and home-baked goodies & coffee and conversation to celebrate the December Birthday Gals (Kay Walters, Peggy McMorris and Isabel). Cheers to the BICC Kitchen Staff who produces coffee and snacks at a moment's notice anywhere in the complex!