Friday, October 12, 2007

Training for the Marathon

Dear Friends and Family

This week Isabel had a consultation with a respiratory specialist who
described her current work as Training for a Marathon. We used that
image before on the blog, and it is appropriate to use it again.

A marathon is 26.2 miles. Consider yourself. Imagine you -- any one
of us -- training to run 26 miles -- and then running it successfully.

On some days of training, you run a comfortable distance -- one with
which your body is comfortable. Some days you push harder -- mind
over matter -- what feels beyond your means. Other days you rest.

That's exactly what Mum is doing. The marathon that Mum is training
for is to wean herself from the respirator so that she can breathe on
her own.

This process will take weeks -- perhaps months. This is Isabel's
marathon. Varied pacing. Comfort; then the push beyond what feels
possible; then rest. One day at a time -- yet with your mind always
focused on a long-term goal -- 26 gruelling miles later.

We - and YOU -- are her cheering section. You send encouragement and
good cheer through your letters and e-mails. You are like spectators
at the marathon checkpoints offering a fitness drink, a power bar,
and a cheer of "You can do it, Isabel!"

Your messages also bring much cheer to us. The days are long in the
hospital and we are always glad of news of the outside world -- and
your encouraging words to us all.

Despite the huge compromises to her physical ability, Mum does not
miss a beat! She reminds us of things we forget to do, and asks
about family and friends through her letter board.

Mum has a steel-trap mind. Nancy told her in early August that she
had a speech to do this coming weekend. Mum has asked Nancy through
her letter-board every day in the last week about the speech.
FINALLY, today, Nancy brought her speech in to practice in front of
Mum! Shades of old 4-H days and practising for speaking contests!

Those of you who know Mum's list-making abilities can imagine how
many questions she has for you.

THANK YOU for breathing deep and training for this marathon with Mum
and with all of us.

Catherine, Nancy, and Janet

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