Thursday, November 15, 2007

Isabel's Social Calendar

With each passing week, Mum is increasingly enjoying visitors and
phone calls.

Catherine has agreed to be her Social Co-ordinator. (She thinks it
will look good on her resume!).

In order to pace visitors with Mum's schedule of nursing care, rest,
and therapies, we are asking that you be in touch with Catherine
before planning to visit. You can reach her by email at: OR 306-270-6394. We can then share some
ideas with you about your visit with Mum.

You may also wish to leave a short phone message for Isabel on her
home answering service. 306-333-4805. We can access Mum's messages
from her hospital room so she can hear your voice and good wishes.

Mum's condition continues to be vulnerable, however, we are thankful
for the continuing pleasure that she takes in her broad community who
is holding us all in care and prayer.

Nancy, Janet, and Catherine

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