Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Peace and Light

This is the week that we name the Candle of Advent Peace with Mum.
This past week a beautiful, cozy purple and gold prayer shawl or lap
blanket arrived in Isabel's room. It was lovingly hand-knit by a
friend of Mum's.

With the shawl came the words:

May the softness of this shawl cradle you in love.
May its warmth remind you that you are held in the tender keeping of
the Creator.
May its embrace speak to you of the promise of peace in the midst of
Woven into each stitch is a prayer for comfort, healing and peace.

On the third day of Hanukkah or the Festival of Lights, a family
friend arrived in the late afternoon to bring Mum a menorah (candle
holder with candles). Our friend talked with Mum about her extended
family's Jewish tradition and how they honour the eight evenings of
lighting candles at sundown. It has been heartening to imagine Mum's
menorah lit in her window of the 6th Floor of the Regina General
throughout this holiday season.

Peace and Light
With us
Each day and night.
May it be so with you.

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