The prairie crocuses are blooming. They courageously poke through the earth, bending with the wind, persistent in their pale beauty, offering their fragile goodness to the world around them. Their very existence speaks of tenacity lived out in beauty. The crocus brings a sense of hope in the midst of what can be a drab time of year. Isabel's eyes lit up when two of her grand-kids roared into her room this weekend with a bowl full of these symbols of spring.
It is time to think of marathons again.
Monday, April 21 is the Boston Marathon and Isabel will be awaiting news of her grand-niece Amanda Froehlich of Marquis. Amanda's winning time at Regina's Queen City Marathon last September has qualified her to run in Boston on Monday.
Isabel's own marathon continues with positive news. Each week, Mum's strength and energy increases and her contractured fingers and feet move a little more. She has gained considerable strength in her legs and torso which means she can tolerate more physiotherapy. Isabel continues to move forward in her recovery.
Amanda and Isabel come from a long line of athletes, and we are cheering them on.
Amanda: here's to you and your Monday run among 30000 other dedicated runners in Boston. Go # 4310!
Isabel: here's to you and your physio session between 8-9 AM in your room on 2-6 each weekday morning. Go #2-649!
We are cheering you both -- and your tenacity, hope and courage!
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