Monday, June 23, 2008

The West Nile Community

Isabel has joined a growing informal organization called SOWN (Survivors of West Nile) that has formed to provide support to each other and education to the public. In early June, SOWN organized a public educational event in Yorkton that was attended by over 150 people.  A panel of survivors talked about their experience of West Nile and the health system, and what continues to give them hope on their journey of recovery.  Catherine represented Isabel who had outlined on her letterboard what she wanted said about her experience.  It was a startling experience to hear the stories of each survivor of WNV and in one case, the sad story of a man who did not survive.  Each story and symptoms differed as West Nile Virus affects each person in different ways.  Some people were left with cognitive impairment (slow speech and/or slow processing of information). Others were left with polio-like symptoms (Mum is one of those).  Others are left with deep fatigue or paralysis to one limb or particular muscles.   Panel members ranged in age from 26-79.

Several days later, Isabel visited with a new friend who was in the Regina General Hospital for four months at the same time.  Her friend is also a West Nile Neurological Syndrome Survivor.  They met at Wascana to talk about their stories and their recovery.  Last Autumn, it was a dream of the daughters of these two women that their mothers would be well enough to have this meeting and conversation.  A year ago, who could have ever guessed about these new friends in our lives.

We are grateful for the email exchange among survivors, the media that continues to support the telling of our stories so we can meet others, and the survivors who have arrived at Isabel's door at Wascana to share stories and messages of hope.

New friendships develop out of such a variety of circumstances in one's life!

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