Sunday, July 13, 2008

Wide Window Sills

Along with the abundant beauty of Wascana Lake and Park, hundreds of
colourful fragrant blossoms from gardens, pastures, roadsides, crops,
and original prairie have made their way to Isabel's room in the last

Lilacs, roses, iris, lilies, columbine, peonies, sweet rocket,
buffalo beans, hoary puccoon, apple and cherry blossoms, mountain
ash, maltese cross, foxglove, begonias, pansies, canola, flax,
daisies, delphinium, violets.....

One evening a nurse dressed in a tri-purple uniform gathered up all
Mum's tri-coloured lilacs and carried them around the 2-6 unit to
share with all the other residents.

Mum is long-term gardener grateful for a picture window with a wide
window sill and flowers to share with others.

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