Saturday, August 30, 2008
A Summer of Rehab
Isabel's considerable strength of gain in her upper body helps her posture and her breathing. She alternated between standing in a standing frame with help from therapists and doing exercises on a sitting mat. She thus has gained strength in her legs as well. Contracture in her ankle joints and feet continues to be a stumbling block in making standing an easier activity. Mum describes her feet as being like cement. On her letterboard, she quipped to one of her specialists: "How about some WD-40?" Then she inquired about duct tape to hold her feet in proper position!
Isabel is now the owner of two new flexi-joint foot splints that are adjustable with an Allen wrench. We were told that she is only the second person at Wascana to be fitted with these custom-made adjustable splints by the Orthodics Department. Therapists continue to problem-solve.
Over the course of 6 five-day weeks, the Rehab Occupational Therapy Team worked with Isabel's hands and arms. For 10 months, Mum could not move her right (dominant) wrist out of its contractured position. With a little arm massage, Isabel can now move her right wrist to open her right hand. She holds a one-inch thick dowel in her hand many hours each day to help keep her fingers open. She can now lift a one pound weight with that hand when provided with some guiding support. Think about lifting a pound of butter ten times up and down beside you. That's what she is doing. Isabel could not move that hand and arm in May. This is progress!
Isabel can also move that hand back and forth on "a skateboard" on her wheelchair table to strengthen her arm. Who ever said that Isabel couldn't take up a new sport at this stage of her life?!?!?
Three times a week during September, Isabel will continue to receive help from a physio-assistant to stretch her muscles and keep her joints strong and flexible. In addition, her volunteer and Extended Care physio-therapists will work with her in standing and mat positions two times a week. Her Extended Care Occupational Therapist will continue to work with Isabel's hands and arms three times a week with the hope that Isabel can drive her own power wheel-chair when it arrives.
"Oh, such slow progress!" you may say! Yes, the progress is slow. This is no surprise to any of us given the utter devastation of West Nile Neurological Syndrome, and that Isabel was one of the most ill of the survivors. When her neurologist admitted her to hospital in August 2007, he indicated that progress would be very very slow over two years. Isabel's rehab physiotherapist said to her this month that she fully believes that Isabel will always continue to make progress -- albeit slow -- as Isabel is so determined and has made measurable gains this summer.
One therapist said, "Isabel -- I wish I could 'can' your motivation and share it with others."
During the recent Olympics, one of our readers wrote: "Cheers to your Mom - she is a Gold Medal winner in the Olympics of Life!"
Mum -- we concur!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
"Life After the Bite"
The Saturday August 16 edition of The Globe and Mail has a three-part presentation on West Nile that features Isabel and her new WN survivor friend, Don Bell, a cattle rancher from Dubuc, SK. Isabel and we are grateful to our family-friend and journalist, Wendy Stueck and her colleagues for their sensitive and hard-hitting portrayal of West Nile. The Focus section of the Globe contained a one page feature with large photos. The Globe web site features an online article that has the same words as the print article. In addition, a 10 minute video tells some of the experiences of Isabel and Don.
Here are two links to the video and online article.
Denial is no defense against West Nile
Life After the Bite
If either link does not work, go to The Globe and Mail web site and then search "West Nile" to find both the article and video. You are looking for these two titles: the article: "Denial is no defence against West Nile" and the video "Life After the Bite".
Isabel's decision to go public with her story reflects her desire to continue to be of use to her community and to the world. We applaud your courage, Mum! And in the meantime, we know you were cheering on that Canadian Equestrian Team when they won those silver medals for team jumping on Tuesday! Yea Canada!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
One Year Later
yet went to help a friend rehang a door on an old one-room school.
She felt increasingly unwell as the day wore on...... and her West
Nile journey had begun.....
August 7, 2008: Twenty-seven members of the Robertson family gathered
at Wascana for a picnic in the park with Isabel co-hosting the
event. We hoped for three hours of visiting. At the five-hour mark
following an afternoon of conversation, laughter, messages from
cousins in Scotland and Los Angeles, games of catch, walks at the
lake, and a group photo.... Mum was one of the last to close the
party down. She has spoken on her letterboard with each individual
At one point, she asked an older cousin if he had chosen dessert.
This led to another cousin asking Mum if she missed the tastes of
favourite foods, and Mum replied on her letterboard NO USE
PINING.... GET ON WITH LIFE and on she went with her next question.
A day previous Mum had told a respiratory specialist that one
advantage of receiving nutrition through a food peg is that there are
NO DISHES to wash and dry.
When Isabel got back to her room (two hours late!) she asked to read
what everyone had written in her Guest Book (Visitors' Book). She
then asked that we write her name as well. When we looked at her
quizzically, she responded emphatically I WAS AT THE PARTY.
Yes, Mum you were! And party you did! And among several honourable
mentions of generations past and present, we toasted you -- your
determination, interest in others and the world around you, and your
sense of humour. You continue to inspire us all.
This weekend Isabel is resting up and getting down to some serious
Olympics spectating. She hopes the equestrian and track and field
events (her specialities) will all be shown on TV.
We are ever grateful... and today particularly to our Robertson and
Froehlich cousins who have been faithful visitors, phoners, and
letter writers and who all travelled 2-3 hours for our gathering --
one year later.