Tuesday, August 19, 2008

"Life After the Bite"

During the week that Canada experienced the first confirmed cases of West Nile for 2008, Isabel has gone public with her story of survival.

The Saturday August 16 edition of The Globe and Mail has a three-part presentation on West Nile that features Isabel and her new WN survivor friend, Don Bell, a cattle rancher from Dubuc, SK. Isabel and we are grateful to our family-friend and journalist, Wendy Stueck and her colleagues for their sensitive and hard-hitting portrayal of West Nile. The Focus section of the Globe contained a one page feature with large photos. The Globe web site features an online article that has the same words as the print article. In addition, a 10 minute video tells some of the experiences of Isabel and Don.

Here are two links to the video and online article.

Denial is no defense against West Nile

Life After the Bite

If either link does not work, go to The Globe and Mail web site and then search "West Nile" to find both the article and video. You are looking for these two titles: the article: "Denial is no defence against West Nile" and the video "Life After the Bite".


Isabel's decision to go public with her story reflects her desire to continue to be of use to her community and to the world. We applaud your courage, Mum! And in the meantime, we know you were cheering on that Canadian Equestrian Team when they won those silver medals for team jumping on Tuesday! Yea Canada!

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