Saturday, January 31, 2009

A First Anniversary

January 30 was the first anniversary of Isabel's move to Extended Care at Wascana. It is one year since Cousin Joy and "Isabel's Florist Shop" from the General Hospital made their way across town with Mum to her new home.

And just as 12 red roses and and an abundance of plants graced Mum's new room 365 days ago, much continues to bloom. There have been bouquets of wild and garden flowers and grains; and plants that have ranged from amaryllis and kalanche to cyclamen and poinsettia. The terrace garden that flourished all summer is now covered with snow that is nurturing 40 spring tulip bulbs.

And with the passing of each season, Isabel, too, has also found ways to bloom. Stable health, regular physio and occupational therapy, a continuing evolving letterboard to meet her increasing desire to talk all the time (!!), recent surgery on her Achilles tendons to allow more physio, the arrival of a power wheelchair, and significant relationships with a caring staff give us much to celebrate. All of this means an increased quality of life.

There are hours that are difficult for Mum. Hours when her call bell doesn't work; or the letterboard can't accommodate her rapid speed of thought; or breathing is difficult for some reason; or physical progress feels so slow. These are the days when Mum reads and re-reads your letters or zones out listening to music thinking about and praying for those she cares about including the residents and staff of Wascana.

However within hours, she sorts herself out and finds ways to move onward with dogged determination and her motto: "Can't look back. Keep going forward." She checks the big wall calendar to see what interesting event is happening today or this month.

And so onward we all go....

Last Saturday, the Leader-Post featured an article about Steven, the 24-year old man who lives kitty-corner from Mum on 2-6. Steven has muscular dystrophy and also uses a ventilator to help him breathe. Like Mum, Steven is determined to give back to the communities that support him. He cruises the halls for hours each day keeping an eye out for residents who may need a nurse's attention, and making plans for his annual campaign to raise funds at Wascana for the upcoming Tele-miracle. In last weekend's article, Steven and his mother said: "We don't need pity from our fellow citizens. We need their understanding and encouragement." How true.

And so to you ~ our family and friends ~ much of Isabel's stability and moving forward of the last year has been because of your love and care heaped on us in so many ways through your understanding and encouragement. Thank you again and again and again.

Here's to Year 2 of Life at Wascana! Stay tuned for news of Isabel's new companion, Rufus the Second.

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