Thursday, April 23, 2009

Crocuses and Pussy Willows to Welcome the Day!

Isabel’s beekeeper friend from Aber~Katepwa called at suppertime on Monday to say that the bees are gathering pollen. Despite this cold and late Saskatchewan spring, the prairie crocuses are blooming on the Qu’Appelle Valley hills. These tenacious harbingers of spring are announcing once again that curling is over for another year, and we have survived another prairie winter!

With news of the crocuses blooming in eastern Saskatchewan, we scampered from the supper-table to the Qu’Appelle Valley hills in the west ~ right where the valley begins at the southeast corner of Lake Diefenbaker. A Tugaske friend who lives near by was travelling to Wascana for an 8:30 AM physio appointment the next day. She delivered a bowl and a bouquet of spring to Isabel’s room at 8:15 AM.

Good morning, Isabel! Crocuses and pussy willows to welcome the day!

Thanks all of you who bring such delight to all our hearts with your phone calls and courier services.

Oh, and by the way, Isabel did watch every end of all those World Curling games between Scotland and Canada!

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