Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Three Years Past

Sunday, January 30 marked 3 years since Isabel's move to Wascana Rehabilitation Centre. As someone said "That's well over 1000 days and nights". Mum continues to find the staff and residents of M-5 welcoming. She has had lots of drop-in residents and staff given her new location. Isabel and Rufus lll treat departing her room as if if they have a red light as there is so much traffic. Nights are quiet.

Mum has mastered working the elevator on her own with her new long stick and hopes to have the confidence to travel completely on her own to therapy one floor away by next week.

This week a friend came from Okotoks for a sleep-over (at the hostel). A gathering of friends and family for supper; movies in her room at night; and everyone asleep well before midnight. Thanks, Gwen, for friendship and fun.

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