Isabel has enjoyed:
* a story from a 90+ friend about buying his first horse when he was 16 back in the 30s in windy dust SW Saskatchewan
* a photo of Isabel's mother Rhoda and 25 Clydesdales on the Robertson Farm at Bradwell in the 1920s (this photo was sent by Mum's 106 year old friend Ernie from High River)
* Saskatoon Horse Show Programs from the 1940s that highlighted Isabel's Dad Charlie Robertson as Judge and Ringmaster
* stories of her Cousins Drew and David learning to ride at Bradwell in the 1940s.
* Links to newsarticles and video links about musical rides and training for calf roping in Pheasant Creek
* poems and horse cards and stickers and many other stories of learning to ride, fall off, and ride again.
Thanks to everyone who made the effort to send a horse-y greeting over the last two months.
Happy Spring everyone ~ as the water on the prairies continues to move, run-off, sit and seep.
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