Friday, August 17, 2007

Friday evening Update

Friday evening, August 17

Dear Family and Friends

Once again, Mum has made a very slight improvement today.  Nancy was with her a good part of the day, and Bill and Megan and John joined her late in the afternoon.  Nancy read out-loud several of the many cards and e-mails that have been sent to Mum.  Nancy knows that Mum could hear as she showed some expression in her face as Nancy read messages to her from different people.  

Earlier in the day, Megan and John set up shop at home near Abernethy and burned a number of CDs with Mum's favourite Scottish and spiritual music to take to their Grannie's room.  They also printed many many e-mails of good wishes that I had forwarded to them.  Love those teens and their technology!

Mum continues to be in a coma in the Intensive Care Unit at Regina General.  She is coming out of the coma a little more each day.  

As you know from yesterday's posting, Mum has been diagnosed with a meningitis, and in particular, meningo-encephalitis.  Meningitis is the inflammation of the protective membranes covering the central nervous system. Encephalitis is an acute inflammation of the brain, commonly caused by a viral infection. 

Today, it was confirmed from the results of a blood test that the particular virus that has infected Mum is West Nile.  She was bitten by an infected mosquito. In Mum's particular case, the infection had a dramatic effect on her neurological system and has led to the meningo-encephalitis.

As a family we have suspected West Nile all week, however at least one of her presenting symptoms did not indicate that particular virus.  In addition, her CSF (Cerebral Spinal Fluid) test showed negative.  We do know however that this CSF test can be inconclusive, and today the results of the blood tests proved that the infection was the result of West Nile.

At this time, we do not know what this means for Mum's long-term recovery.  We know that she has a very long road ahead of her.  We also know that she is one of the most spirited and determined people we know as she has fought her way back to excellent health after other serious illnesses including two cancers.

Many of you have expressed deep shock (as have we) that someone who is so fit and active could be stricken so ill so fast.  You have also inquired (as have we) about whether her fitness level (as the result of cross-country skiing, skating, walking, and gardening) will help her through this difficult time.  Her physical fitness will not help her neurological condition, however we do know that her level of fitness is the result of her previous fierce determination to recover her health and stay healthy from other illnesses.  May it be so again!

Those of us that live on the Canadian prairies know that West Nile is rampant this August.  More cases are being confirmed every day, and Mum is one of six acute neurological cases in Saskatchewan. West Nile is NOT contagious between humans. We also know that very very few people who develop West Nile are as seriously affected as Mum.  Most people do not know they have encountered an infected mosquito, or they have mild flu-like symptoms.  

We ask for your continued good wishes, energy, and prayers that Mum will continue to find the determination and will to heal and recover.  As one of her many friends said today, "Isabel is a great believer in the power of prayer and community."   Your many phone calls, e-mails and cards are witness to the huge community that hold her dear.

We also know that the continuing excellent care of the staff at the ICU and the other medical consultants working on her case are essential to her recovery.

Today is a beautiful harvest day in Saskatchewan. The hum and dust from combines, grain trucks, and swathers fill the air.  Mum's other grand-kids, Mary and Josh, helped me pick apples, beans, tomatoes, and cucumbers from her garden.  Yes, and zucchini, too!  Lock your trucks or you may find zucchini on the front seat!

Thank you for your ongoing love and care poured out in so many ways.

Catherine, Nancy, and Janet

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