Monday, August 20, 2007

A Room with a View

Hello Family and Friends

It is noon on Monday.

Mum continues to be intensive care with 1-on-1 nursing care. She has some periods where she intently focusses her listening. We know that she is hearing much of what goes on around her so we continue to reassure her and read your many messages.

Her condition continues to be very critical, and we continue to live one day at a time. Yesterday, Mum was moved to "a room with a view" so she has a larger room and a big window. We know that this is very important so that she can be aware of day and night. Now if that sun would come out and brighten up three-day-sodden-Saskatchewan, we would all be pleased. Harvest has ground to a halt with heavy rain during each of the last three days.

We continue to be moved by the outpouring of phone calls and e-mails and cards. We know that Mum has a vast community, but we had no idea of her influence. As a family, we are sustained by your kind notes and your story-telling of your days, and your experiences of how Mum has influenced your lives as a friend, cousin, aunt, teacher, and community volunteer. Reading your words helps these long days. Some of you are writing every day; some of you have written once or twice. Each type of message is so important to us.

Some of you want to send faxes. You can do so to Nancy and Bill's at: 306-333-4833. There is no need to do a cover page as the fax will come to the Garratt seed plant.

Some of you have asked about sending flowers or visiting Mum. Intensive Care is an acute care ward that has many people with a variety of critical illnesses. The hospital does not allow flowers nor does it allow visitors other than immediate family. Your prayers and messages are what are important now.

We ask for your continued prayers for courage and peace-of-mind for Mum; for strength and courage for us all, and for wisdom and compassion for the medical staff who are treating her.

Thank you again,

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