Thursday, September 13, 2007

Isabel's Marathon

Sunshine came into Mum's room on Sunday with a visit from her nephew Doug Froehlich. Doug shared the news that he had just witnessed his daughter, Amanda, win the Queen City Marathon (Women's Division). As a former track and field athlete herself, Mum has followed her grand niece's running career with great interest. Mum's response to the news of Amanda's accomplishment was one of obvious pleasure. One can show a lot with eye movements and nods when you are pleased!

Mum is on her own marathon -- a hard and lengthy road to healing. There are many things that are uncertain in Mum's life these days, but there are four things we know for sure:

* Mum's recovery is at a slow snail's pace. Sometimes it feels centimetre by centimetre.

* Your cards and letters and care bring life to Mum, to us, and to her hospital room. We could not be as present as we are to Mum without you -- and the medical members of our extended family who support us in keeping Mum company, and with research on West Nile Neurological Syndrome.

* Mum continues to bring the world together. Each day we hear from new people who are part of Mum's life. Connections with old friends and extended family have been rejuvenated. We continue to meet other West Nile families as they cheer their loved ones on this marathon.

* We continue to hold and share HOPE -- and we need you to hold and share yours. As the old saying goes, "When someone you know has lost their HOPE, please give them some of yours."
We continue to ask for no visitors at this time as Mum's energy is such that we need to monitor her visiting very closely.

Thank you for all your support,

Nancy, Janet, and Catherine

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