Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The West Nile Dance

Four steps forward
One step back
Twice to the left
Once to the right
Forward we go
All around the circle.

We are all still learning the steps of the West Nile Dance. Medical staff and family(ies) together -- sharing what we know and learning with each other -- attempting to piece together symptoms, effects, and recovery. There is limited medical research on the long-term implications of West Nile Neurological Syndrome, and we know that Mum's case is contributing to that important medical knowledge.

Mum had a respiratory set-back on Sunday that was a reminder to medical staff and family that we are finding our way together through a neurological syndrome about which so little is known. Mum's health stabilized on Monday and Tuesday, and once again we are moving forward one day at a time. Mum is aware of each of these days and the long road ahead. One of the symptoms of the encephalitis that is caused by West Nile is deep weariness and grogginess. Mum has sleepy times and alert times. When we ask her if she would like to hear cards and letters during those alert times she nods, and we bring you into her room again. Mum has perfected eye rolling and shoulder shrugging, and makes her feelings about some topics very well known!

Some of you have asked about online West Nile internet sites. Here are two sites.

The first is a link to the Public Health Agency of Canada. Click here. See the right side of the page to click on different topics including statistics.

The second site is Saskatchewan Health.
Click here. Sometimes the Saskatchewan Health site will take you directly to West Nile Virus. At other times, it takes you to a general page. If you get the General Page, you need to scroll down and click on "healthlineonline". Then, when the alphabet appears, click on W. Then scroll down for West Nile Virus.

Thank you for your ongoing care and prayers for Mum, for her family and friends, and for the large medical staff that works with Mum each day.

Catherine, Nancy, and Janet

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