Monday, May 19, 2008

A Sunshine Workout

This weekend marks the first long weekend of a Canadian summer.
Thank you.....Queen Victoria for having a birthday!

Isabel began the weekend with a 1.5 hour physiotherapy workout
outside on the terrace across from her room at Wascana.

IMAGINE.....sun..... a soft encouraging
therapist...... and a dedicated and courageous WNVNS survivor
determined to heal to the best of her ability.

Amid Isabel's and our continual advocacy for more rehab therapy to
support her ongoing progress, we are grateful for:
* a physiotherapist who is a family friend that begins her weekend by
coming to visit Mum to do an extended physio session every Friday
* a sunny second-floor terrace with chairs and a table and containers
waiting to be planted with Mum's choice of plants
* a staff that surrounds Isabel who are continually accessing other
specialists and therapists to support Mum becoming as able as she can.

We continue to be grateful and hope-filled. Thank you for helping us
carry that hope.

Isabel and the Gang

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