Sunday, May 10, 2009

Art, Dance and Music at Wascana

Over the last year, several of you have inquired whether Isabel has opportunity to attend cultural events at Wascana. The answer is YES! There are numerous ones, and Isabel has been a regular attender whenever she can.

This weekend, the Regina Art Show is happening in the Concourse with over 70 amateur Regina painters showing their work.

Each Thursday evening, a local musical group performs for the residents. We have told you about Mum's friends, Larry & Marj Middleton who have twice been the featured entertainment. This next week, they return to provide the music for Wascana's May birthday party.

Friday, May 15. 2:30- 3:30. Everyone welcome.

In addition to Marj & Larry, Isabel has recently enjoyed the Queen City Brass Band , Prairie Gold Chorus and the Regina Romanian Dancers. Every Saturday morning, the Regina Mandolin Orchestra practices in the Concourse for 3 hours.

(Yes - you can click on the red letters to read more about the performers.)

Thursday evenings are also a time for Isabel to meet up with new Wascana friends who may live on a different unit but who also attend the performance.

We are grateful for the many musicians and dancers who share their volunteer time and talent with the residents of Wascana.

Interested in reading more about the groups that perform at Wascana? Click on any of the coloured names above to go to their websites.

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