Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Update on Rufus 11

Long and ever ago, we promised an update on Rufus 11, Isabel's power-chair.

Rufus is trainable and now makes his way in 4th gear around the Wascana building. Isabel has proven to be a masterful driver and has avoided any major collisions with walls or other residents! She has not yet take up the challenge by some of the staff to drag-race with the teenagers who live on the unit. Her expertise is in parallel parking when she wheels up to the raised physio mat in the physio room.

Rufus on the other hand has his ornery moments when he just stops and won't move. As niece Gayle pointed out "Just like a skittish horse who won't cross a crack in the road". It turns out that Rufus comes to a full and abrupt stop if he (and Mum) are unbalanced in any way.

Isabel is grateful for the independence of a power-chair. Although she cannot leave her unit unaccompanied (Wascana policy for those that use ventilators to help them breathe), she motors along throughout the building when someone accompanies her. Driving to hear Larry & Marj share their music at the Wascana Birthday Party last Thursday was a pleasure.

Mum has had lots of fun telling her various visitors and nurses about Rufus 1 (her horse in 1948) and Rufus 11. Stay tuned for news when Isabel and Rufus 11 make their first trip to Wascana Lake.

One of these days warmer weather will come to the prairies and we will be out and about!

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