Saturday, May 30, 2009

Wascana's Highways and Byways

Spring has finally arrived in Saskatchewan and with three calm sunny warm days mid-week, Isabel was out and about to work on her tan and to check out the variety of plants and trees in Wascana Park and around her home. There are 42 acres of park near Wascana Rehab Centre so there are many places to visit this summer.

A highlight was Mum being able to drive herself (with family accompaniment) to Wascana Lake, a 10 minute wheelchair drive from Wascana Rehab Centre. Rufus 11 "walked" ~ 1st gear ~ and no "trotting" so we all had time to enjoy the views. Mum eagerly pointed out Saskatoon and chokecherry blossoms, day-lilies that will bloom in a month, flowering ornamental crab-apples, and other flowering shrubs too numerous to mention. Bird life abounds... robins, goldfinches, and lots of Canada Geese goslings!

Another day, we headed west of Wascana Rehab Centre and Mum drove on the flowering shrub-bordered road between the Art Gallery and Wascana. While dozing in the sun in front of the building, an Abernethy friend dropped in for a 45 minute visit. Mum went to bed that evening with the lovely feeling of sun and wind tan on her face.

Isabel oversaw the planting of her terrace garden....six shades of red, orange, and pink hardy geraniums to withstand the prairie wind and sun on the second floor terrace. On a whim, we also added polka-dot plants with the happy-face pansies and johnny-jump-ups (violas) that are already blooming there. A rooster garden ornament and Mum's Celtic stepping stones (gift of a nurse last year) add to the garden for this year.

We are all thankful for the sun and beauty of this season, and that Isabel is enjoying every minute of being outside.

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