Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Hogmanay Greetings
Mum reminded us of her father Charlie's Hogmanay traditions of "first footing" very early on January 1. "First-footing" refers to who is the first person to cross the threshold on New Year's Day. The tradition is that a first-footer should be a dark-haired person from outside the household who brings a "handsel" -- a token of good fortune to the house. He or She is welcomed and provided hospitality. Charlie's handsel was always to carry a lump of new coal in his pocket for the freshly cleaned hearth of a neighbour or friend.
The Hogmanay tradition of taking coal to a neighbour is not to be confused with receiving a lump of coal in one's Christmas stocking!
Wishing all family, friends, and neighbours the warmest of greetings as you cross the threshold into a new year! May it be a joy-filled one!
With best wishes for a happy new year from
Isabel and the Gang
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas!
Isabel received this greeting from a friend, flagged it as one to pass on to others...and here it is for you......
As we enter the 12 Days of Christmas, may you and your family embrace a true understanding of the joy of Christmas. May we cherish our families and friends, be grateful for the wonderful life that we tend to take for granted, and generously share with those less fortunate than ourselves.
Christmas is a journey of the heart. May it bring peace and joy to all.
Merry Christmas!
Love Isabel
Saturday, December 6, 2008
"So How is Isabel's Health, Anyway?"
Isabel continues to have physiotherapy and occupational therapy several times a week to maintain the strength and flexibility that she gained over the summer. Particular attention is currently being given to her contractured feet with serial casting over a six-week period. By weekly changes of foot casts, the therapists hope to shift Isabel’s feet into more appropriate positions. Massage and flexibility & strength exercises are slowly increasing her wrist and arm mobility. It is a long slow process with very gradual improvement. What is key is that Isabel has not lost what she gained in active rehab this summer.
Isabel’s throat continues to be paralyzed so she communicates at a fast pace with her letterboard and the thin end of a wooden spoon. A food peg continues to provide nutrition through her abdomen.
And for that we all give thanks!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Isabel's Christmas Card to Family and Friends
May the hope of the shepherds enliven our minds;
God’s blessing be upon us all,
This holy season and forever.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Agribition Week
Isabel has chosen not to attend the event with other residents from Wascana, however is watching as much of the show as she can on the tellie. The smells won't be quite the same but the views are excellent.
Isabel was amused to discover a photo of herself and her good friend, Nelle, in this year's show booklet. Mum, your many years of attending Agribition have gone down on record!
Friday, November 14, 2008
"A Plus to All This"
So writes Isabel's new friend and co-star of "After the Bite", Don Bell of Dubuc. Don is also a West Nile Neurological Syndrome Survivor. He and Isabel were featured in the Globe & Mail article and video by Wendy Stueck and Co. Don and his wife Glenda, and Isabel now stay connected through e-mail and visits at Wascana.
For Don and Isabel, there are several new friends as the result of surviving the bites of the summer of 2007.
Don also writes:
"Drs. think I will plateau but I won't hear of it because they really don't know about us and this West Nile. And Isabel -- we have to prove them wrong for the next victims -- to give them hope and encouragement. I think we can come out of this even if some of us are at different degrees. Strong willpower goes a long ways. I am doing things and not sitting so I think it helps. People tell me 'you shouldn't be doing this or that', but it's not my nature."
We all take courage from attitudes such as Don's. We are grateful for the day-in-day-out support of friends and creative therapists who are determined that Isabel will gain as much strength and movement as possible in her contractured limbs.
Here's to you, Don and Glenda, and your own determination and spirit and the hope that you share with others!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
A Rainbow of Binders
Several of you have written letters with a PS that says something such as: "I hope someone can read this to you" or "how are your eyes? can you read?"
Isabel's eyes are fine and she reads a lot, although her eyes tire fairly easily. (The nurses say it is because of the smoke coming off her letterboard when she is in high-gear!)
Isabel has use of a few fingers of her left hand. It is not easy to turn pages that lay on a wheelchair table so we have devised a coloured three ring binder system for her various materials. A binder can sit on Isabel's angled reading board for easy turning. The various colours make it easier for Isabel to communicate with staff about which binder she wants on her angled reading board.
Her red binders are the favourites. We three hole punch each letter, news article, etc. that comes from you (and sometimes greeting cards as well before they go up on her card ledge). The contents of each red binder changes weekly, and is read daily by Isabel. The housekeeper on the south end of 2-6 opens Isabel's mail for her early each morning.
The dark blue binder is for The Seniors' Newspaper. Thanks to an Aber friend's generosity with this gift subscription.
The orange binder is for farm newspapers.
The green one is for magazines. This week's is a Scottish one. Thanks to all of you who have brought a variety of magazines.
The purple one tells the story of Isabel's teaching career and is a well used one as she and former students have frequently looked through it.
We still have the pink, purple, and yellow ones to fill.
Now if we could just get our desks (and staff!) organized as well as Isabel has hers!
Today is November 11, and Isabel will be watching programming from "the Hill" in Ottawa. Together, we remember........
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Contacting Isabel
By leaving a phone message in her room: 306-545-5994.
By sending a letter:
Unit 2-6
Wascana Rehab Centre
2180-23rd Ave.
Regina, SK
S4S 0A5
Thank you!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
"Trick or Treat or Halloween Apples?"
Halloween week. The 2-6 staff have decorated the unit with witches,
goblins, and jack o'lanterns. One of Isabel's quilting friends has
created a Scottish witch wall hanging (in two tartans) that now hangs
along side her Fall pumpkins.
On Monday, Isabel's Cousin Mary who turns 90 the same week as Isabel turns 80 arrived to visit with family members, a singing birthday
plate, and 7-Up for birthday toasts. Two other former Abernethians
dropped in at the party. Riddle of the Day: How many people can you
stuff in one resident room?
On Thursday, five other Abernethy friends came by (several to show
off their Halloween costumes) and to discuss the latest happenings in
the village.
In between these party times, other family members and friends
visited to catch up on news from the summer.
There is still time to participate in October 31 activities! Isabel
has her Halloween costume and is ready to go to Wascana's Haunted
House and Social Hour. Guests welcome, too. Departure time is 1:00
Some weeks are very quiet in Isabel's room. This is not one of them!
Happy Halloween everyone!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Recipe for a Fine Fall Day
* 1 sunshiny day and a turquoise cloudless sky
* 1 Wascana van and a relaxed driver
* 1 Grandmother, 2 daughters, 1 granddaughter and three of her friends
* 1 wheel-chair accessible college on a beautiful University campus
close to Wascana
What do you have?
Isabel's afternoon outing to Luther College at the University of
Regina to see granddaughter Megan's new digs, cafeteria, lecture
halls, new friends and hang-out spaces. Thanks for the tour, Meg!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Wasn't That A Party!!!!
Remembering her own coaching from Larry while she was learning to play the sax a few years ago, Isabel remarked:
When you use a letterboard to communicate, you can "talk" throughout the concert, and the ushers don't tell you to "Keep quiet!"
Isabel closed the party down when she saw her guests to the door to wish them good night. On her way back home to Unit 2-6, the cleaning staff were the only folks left reminding us of a fine evening of music and dance and friendship.
Thanks, Larry & Marj and Regina friends for bringing your music and appreciation to the halls of Wascana.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
A Thanksgiving Hymn
Sunday, October 5, 2008
A Musical Evening at Wascana
Isabel is inviting anyone to join her from 7-8 pm in the Wascana Atrium (main level) for some fine entertainment.
It is best to plan to be there by 6:45 pm as seating is limited. Parking to the right of the main doors. Please bring a lawn chair as this is open space that will fill quickly with people who use wheelchairs for mobility.
Here's hoping for an Aber reunion in Regina this Thursday evening!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Celebrating an 80th Year
This is Mum's 80th year and her milestone birthday is December 30, 2008 - smack in the middle of holiday celebrations and an unpredictable Saskatchewan winter.
Thus we are helping Mum celebrate all autumn. We have no plans for a big birthday party. And besides, Isabel's "head nurse" says that Wascana doesn't have a room large enough to accommodate all of Isabel's fans!
We are inviting friends and family to consider acknowledging this special birthday throughout the next few months (rather than at the end of December) when you visit, phone or drop her a line. No gifts please! Your greetings of encouragement and best wishes are gift enough.
The Robertson Family Gathering in Wascana Park in August kicked off this celebration time. Other friends have been acknowledging Isabel's milestone birthday since then in individual visits and party-like group times. Either are most welcome.
So you can't believe that Isabel is in her 80th year? As her daughters, neither can we! We have far more grey hair than she does (especially after the last 14 months!).
Thanks for your ongoing support and good cheer!
Janet, Nancy and Catherine
Monday, September 29, 2008
A Creative Act of Kindness
Visits and phone calls and letters.
Autumn flowers and bouquets of ripened grain.
Humorous stories and news clippings from various newspapers.
And just recently a creative gift from one of Isabel's friends at Abernethy.
Mum has maintained her Abernethy involvement by reading news reports, asking questions, giving advice to committees-!!, and inquiring about the health and whereabouts of everyone she knows.
She has missed seeing all the building and renovation projects at home. Last week, one of her friends filmed a 10-minute video of all the external renovations and building projects in Aber. He then travelled to Regina with his laptop to show Isabel what's been happening at home in the last 14 months. Mum asked him to play the video again as she studied new colours of paint and new garages, and saw construction add-ons and inquired after the owners. Twenty-two projects in all!
Mum spelled out CHEERS to all the fine work in sprucing up the village.
With gratitude for the many creative ways that kindness continues to come into our lives,
Isabel and Her Girls
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Marking Accomplishments
Along with visits from Cousin Joy and almost daily physiotherapy and occupational therapy, Isabel's grand-daughter Megan dropped in from Luther College at the University of Regina just five minutes away from Wascana. Meg and her Grannie discussed their experiences of leaving home for University. For Meg that was just three weeks ago; for Isabel that was 60 years ago.
Last Friday, grand-kids Mary and Josh decorated their Grannie's room with fall leaves and streamers ~ the same streamers that we had hung in Isabel's hospital room last September. How far we have come since then!
And on Friday, Amanda came to visit her Grand-Aunt Isabel and to show her yet another First Place Medal for being the fastest female runner at the recent Queen City Marathon. We remember writing about Amanda last September as we compared her win to the marathon that had become part of Isabel's life.
Mum ~ What amazing accomplishments you have made since last September! As your hand flew across the letterboard asking Cousin Joy about friends and family in Scotland and England, Joy remarked over and over again about your physical and communication progress since she last saw you in January 2008.
A medal for you, Mum! And gratitude to Grannie's B's grand-kids who sweep into her room full of energy and stories. And thanks also, to Isabel's friends from Abernethy who visited last week and this week bringing tales of the village, summer holidays, harvest, beautiful September weather (at last!) and the corn and apple crops........
Friday, September 12, 2008
"Will Ye No Come Back Again?"
Cousin Joy from the West Highlands of Scotland has returned for a harvest visit. Joy is Isabel's second cousin, and she spent a month with Mum in January during the Robbie Burns' celebration and Mum's transition to Wascana. As a retired Occupational Therapist, Joy's helpful ideas supported Mum through the winter. When Joy left to return home, Isabel told her COME AGAIN.
Joy arrived last Monday to help with the harvest at the Froehlich-Robertson Farm at Bradwell (Isabel's birth-home east of Saskatoon). However, Joy's Air Canada landing in Regina enabled her to spend two full days visiting Isabel so they could both catch up on news. Joy went to therapy with Mum, and they visited on the sunny terrace amid all the still-blooming summer flowers. Hot weather --- a far cry from the 40 below zero temperatures of last January -- eventually brought them back into Isabel's room.
With gratitude for travelling cousins who do "come back again" and bring stories of Scottish friends and relatives....
Saturday, August 30, 2008
A Summer of Rehab
Isabel's considerable strength of gain in her upper body helps her posture and her breathing. She alternated between standing in a standing frame with help from therapists and doing exercises on a sitting mat. She thus has gained strength in her legs as well. Contracture in her ankle joints and feet continues to be a stumbling block in making standing an easier activity. Mum describes her feet as being like cement. On her letterboard, she quipped to one of her specialists: "How about some WD-40?" Then she inquired about duct tape to hold her feet in proper position!
Isabel is now the owner of two new flexi-joint foot splints that are adjustable with an Allen wrench. We were told that she is only the second person at Wascana to be fitted with these custom-made adjustable splints by the Orthodics Department. Therapists continue to problem-solve.
Over the course of 6 five-day weeks, the Rehab Occupational Therapy Team worked with Isabel's hands and arms. For 10 months, Mum could not move her right (dominant) wrist out of its contractured position. With a little arm massage, Isabel can now move her right wrist to open her right hand. She holds a one-inch thick dowel in her hand many hours each day to help keep her fingers open. She can now lift a one pound weight with that hand when provided with some guiding support. Think about lifting a pound of butter ten times up and down beside you. That's what she is doing. Isabel could not move that hand and arm in May. This is progress!
Isabel can also move that hand back and forth on "a skateboard" on her wheelchair table to strengthen her arm. Who ever said that Isabel couldn't take up a new sport at this stage of her life?!?!?
Three times a week during September, Isabel will continue to receive help from a physio-assistant to stretch her muscles and keep her joints strong and flexible. In addition, her volunteer and Extended Care physio-therapists will work with her in standing and mat positions two times a week. Her Extended Care Occupational Therapist will continue to work with Isabel's hands and arms three times a week with the hope that Isabel can drive her own power wheel-chair when it arrives.
"Oh, such slow progress!" you may say! Yes, the progress is slow. This is no surprise to any of us given the utter devastation of West Nile Neurological Syndrome, and that Isabel was one of the most ill of the survivors. When her neurologist admitted her to hospital in August 2007, he indicated that progress would be very very slow over two years. Isabel's rehab physiotherapist said to her this month that she fully believes that Isabel will always continue to make progress -- albeit slow -- as Isabel is so determined and has made measurable gains this summer.
One therapist said, "Isabel -- I wish I could 'can' your motivation and share it with others."
During the recent Olympics, one of our readers wrote: "Cheers to your Mom - she is a Gold Medal winner in the Olympics of Life!"
Mum -- we concur!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
"Life After the Bite"
The Saturday August 16 edition of The Globe and Mail has a three-part presentation on West Nile that features Isabel and her new WN survivor friend, Don Bell, a cattle rancher from Dubuc, SK. Isabel and we are grateful to our family-friend and journalist, Wendy Stueck and her colleagues for their sensitive and hard-hitting portrayal of West Nile. The Focus section of the Globe contained a one page feature with large photos. The Globe web site features an online article that has the same words as the print article. In addition, a 10 minute video tells some of the experiences of Isabel and Don.
Here are two links to the video and online article.
Denial is no defense against West Nile
Life After the Bite
If either link does not work, go to The Globe and Mail web site and then search "West Nile" to find both the article and video. You are looking for these two titles: the article: "Denial is no defence against West Nile" and the video "Life After the Bite".
Isabel's decision to go public with her story reflects her desire to continue to be of use to her community and to the world. We applaud your courage, Mum! And in the meantime, we know you were cheering on that Canadian Equestrian Team when they won those silver medals for team jumping on Tuesday! Yea Canada!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
One Year Later
yet went to help a friend rehang a door on an old one-room school.
She felt increasingly unwell as the day wore on...... and her West
Nile journey had begun.....
August 7, 2008: Twenty-seven members of the Robertson family gathered
at Wascana for a picnic in the park with Isabel co-hosting the
event. We hoped for three hours of visiting. At the five-hour mark
following an afternoon of conversation, laughter, messages from
cousins in Scotland and Los Angeles, games of catch, walks at the
lake, and a group photo.... Mum was one of the last to close the
party down. She has spoken on her letterboard with each individual
At one point, she asked an older cousin if he had chosen dessert.
This led to another cousin asking Mum if she missed the tastes of
favourite foods, and Mum replied on her letterboard NO USE
PINING.... GET ON WITH LIFE and on she went with her next question.
A day previous Mum had told a respiratory specialist that one
advantage of receiving nutrition through a food peg is that there are
NO DISHES to wash and dry.
When Isabel got back to her room (two hours late!) she asked to read
what everyone had written in her Guest Book (Visitors' Book). She
then asked that we write her name as well. When we looked at her
quizzically, she responded emphatically I WAS AT THE PARTY.
Yes, Mum you were! And party you did! And among several honourable
mentions of generations past and present, we toasted you -- your
determination, interest in others and the world around you, and your
sense of humour. You continue to inspire us all.
This weekend Isabel is resting up and getting down to some serious
Olympics spectating. She hopes the equestrian and track and field
events (her specialities) will all be shown on TV.
We are ever grateful... and today particularly to our Robertson and
Froehlich cousins who have been faithful visitors, phoners, and
letter writers and who all travelled 2-3 hours for our gathering --
one year later.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
"Here's to you, Miss Robertson"
are the cards, letters, phone calls and visits from former students.
You started writing, phoning, and coming last August... and your
greetings and wishes still come each week. THANK YOU.
Isabel's teaching career as "Miss Robertson" occurred between 1948
and 1953 in a variety of one-room (Grades 1-10) to four-room
schools. Mum has heard from colleagues from her Normal School and
University days, and from teachers and/or students in each of her
schools (Unity School near Clavet, Minnehaha north of North
Battleford, Melfort, and Abernethy).
One student invited Mum to his 75th birthday party. Two sisters
(former students) travelled nearly 7 hours for a Saturday afternoon
visit. (Mum had visited one of them over 20 years ago; another she
has not seen since 1949.)
Amid this horrendous year in Mum's life, we are ever grateful for the
connections made and sustained. Thank you again.
Mum has a new photo album in her Wascana room titled: "Miss
Robertson's Teaching Days". Some of you have sent photos from over
50 years ago. We have added these to the photo album along with ones
from Mum's photo albums.... and we will add more.
Here's to you, Miss Robertson, and the wonderful student and teacher
friends that you have made over the years!
Friday, July 25, 2008
Fair Day
It's the first time in well over 55 years that Isabel has not
submitted entries -- but her heart is there with all of you as you
clean and mow, coordinate the pet show and children's races, bake and
sew, build the horse ring, and serve pork and pie.
Thanks to all of you Aber folk who have acknowledged how much you
miss Mum's physical presence this week while at the same time knowing
she is with you in heart!
There will be family visiting Isabel today -- and another therapy
session -- and who knows who will walk through her door or on to the
garden terrace with a story or good cheer.
And yes, Aber folk, Isabel is waiting for your phone calls and
letters to tell her everything that happened at the Fair. Who did you
see? Who won best pastry and best fudge? How many horse entries were
there? How many came for the pork supper? And did you have a sunny
day once again?
We are grateful for small communities and the volunteers who year and
after contribute hours of time to make a show that continues to
create memories... generation after generation...
Thanks and cheers to all of you - and here's to the 101st... and the
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Wide Window Sills
colourful fragrant blossoms from gardens, pastures, roadsides, crops,
and original prairie have made their way to Isabel's room in the last
Lilacs, roses, iris, lilies, columbine, peonies, sweet rocket,
buffalo beans, hoary puccoon, apple and cherry blossoms, mountain
ash, maltese cross, foxglove, begonias, pansies, canola, flax,
daisies, delphinium, violets.....
One evening a nurse dressed in a tri-purple uniform gathered up all
Mum's tri-coloured lilacs and carried them around the 2-6 unit to
share with all the other residents.
Mum is long-term gardener grateful for a picture window with a wide
window sill and flowers to share with others.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Summer in the City....
abundant green trees and Wascana Lake on the Canada Day
weekend to watch kayaking races and the antics of ducklings.... to
Isabel's terrace garden to sit among geraniums, marigolds, poppies,
lavatera, viola, pansies, sedum, scarlet runner beans, and wave
We are grateful for all these opportunities to enjoy the sun....
Saturday, June 28, 2008
The Magic Nine-Patch Quilt
Monday, June 23, 2008
The West Nile Community
Monday, June 16, 2008
Visiting Isabel in June
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Climbing Over A Fence
So how is Isabel's health?
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Our First Outing
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Recipe for a Prairie Flower Patch
Monday, May 19, 2008
A Sunshine Workout
Thank you.....Queen Victoria for having a birthday!
Isabel began the weekend with a 1.5 hour physiotherapy workout
outside on the terrace across from her room at Wascana.
IMAGINE.....sun..... a soft encouraging
therapist...... and a dedicated and courageous WNVNS survivor
determined to heal to the best of her ability.
Amid Isabel's and our continual advocacy for more rehab therapy to
support her ongoing progress, we are grateful for:
* a physiotherapist who is a family friend that begins her weekend by
coming to visit Mum to do an extended physio session every Friday
* a sunny second-floor terrace with chairs and a table and containers
waiting to be planted with Mum's choice of plants
* a staff that surrounds Isabel who are continually accessing other
specialists and therapists to support Mum becoming as able as she can.
We continue to be grateful and hope-filled. Thank you for helping us
carry that hope.
Isabel and the Gang
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Joining the Stars
Friday, May 2, 2008
Joining the Experts
Friday, April 25, 2008
"I'm Here for You"
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Crocuses and Marathons
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
A Toast to Community Theatre
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Gardening at Isabel's